To donate online: - Contact: Rick Kingston Phone: 941-623-8904 E-mail: press Puffy Paws offers a unique need as a home for special needs of kittens Englewood , Florida "'s biggest Cathouse" Puffy Paws Kitty Haven touted a new mission this month. Puffy Paws Kitty Haven is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, no-kill cat hospice experts, the quality and loving care for special needs cats. Co-founder of Puffy Paws KittyHaven, Rick Kingston, said: "We take care of cats with feline leukemia and FIV, blind cats, wild cats, kittens seizures, kitten with one eye, 20 years old kittens, kittens that are incompatible with their cat, kitten with thyroid conditions -. basically unadoptable and unwanted kittens that would be put somewhere else, "Puffy Paws Kitty Haven's mission is to provide hospice care for special needs cats. Puffy Paws Kitty Haven provides quality health care, food, water, shelter andespecially love all the cats in their care to finish their course of life. Since 2006, Puffy Paws both the needs of adaptation and has embraced special kitten, but because of the large number of adopted stray cats (268 in total now) and pull back assembly costs for the care of animals, the shelter cat fight chosen Adoption Program for their cat, and focus on special needs cats that are not served by other animal rescue organizations in southwest Florida. As a no kill cat shelter, Puffy Paws... !8!# Bissell Proheat 2x Cleaner Top Quality
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